A pressure cooker is a wonderful tool for creating a tasty, home-cooked meal in a short amount of time. The Wolfgang Puck Pressure Cooker is a high-quality pressure cooker sold by the Home Shopping Network. It uses boiling water inside a tightly sealed chamber to create steam. The steam is trapped inside the cooker, creating a high-pressure environment that quickly breaks down the fibers of the food that you're cooking. With a small amount of prep work, you can easily create meals ranging from tortilla soup to beef burgundy and have them ready to plate in anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes. Depending on the instructions from your recipe, you will either need to turn the pressure cooker off by pressing the 'On/Off' button and unplugging the cooker to allow the pressure to drop naturally or turn the pressure release knob to 'Vent.' When you can no longer hear steam releasing from the valve and the lid opens easily without force, the pressure is completely reduced.
There is a safety mechanism that will prevent you from opening the lid if the pressure is not reduced. At this point, your meal should be complete.