Posted by on Mar 13 2016 in. TinkerTry IT @ home. Efficient virtualization, storage, backup, and more. Notice the TinkerTry tagline, above. The words home and backup.
They're an integral part of my two decade IT career, and a common theme among the here at TinkerTry. I'm always investigating various ways to backup all of my home lab PCs, servers and VMs. I use extensively to protect my extended family and friends.
I would like to test its ability to back up to a Veeam v9 Backup & Replication, on a Synology NAS, or on local storage, see also. What would it actually cost me, a and, to keep the repository product running in my home lab, which is? That centralized repository would hold both my VM backups, and my friends and family PC backups. Well, the is for the enterprise, naturally. That's what I call a showstopper, for the home lab.
Veeam has updated their existing NFR code download site! How to get a free Veeam NFR key Here at Veeam, we’re passionate about helping people learn to do awesome things with their virtual environment. One of the best ways to learn is from your own experience, which is why we give certified IT pros FREE Not-For-Resale (NFR) keys for Veeam Availability Suite. Here’s how you can get a free Veeam NFR license key.
A Not-For-Resale (NFR) license is a license that can be used in a test environment or home lab for product demos and trainings. NFR for Veeam Availability Suite v9 is a cut above most regular trial keys because it has a 1-year retention period, instead of just 30 days. In addition, a Veeam NFR license key covers two sockets for any mix of hypervisors (VMware vSphere and/or Microsoft Hyper-V).
If you're a vExpert, VCP, VCAP, VCI, VCDX, VMUG Leader, VTEC, VMCE, MVP, MCSE, MCSA, MCT, Cisco Champion, or PernixPro Member, you may be eligible, for 1 year / 2 sockets. I tried out the link myself, and after filling out the form using my and omitting the comma in Company name ', LLC', I was instantly able to download the ISO to give it a go. Once the form was submitted, I immediately received an email that looked like this: Dear Paul, Thank you for your interest in Veeam Availability Suite 9.0 for VMware and Hyper-V. Your NFR license key is attached.
LICENSE KEY:. Product version: 9.x. Expiration Date: An NFR (Not for Resale) license can only be used for evaluation or demonstration purposes; it is not for production usage. So it's good to be aware that your one year starts with your NFR request date. Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE - Disclosure Veeam has been an advertiser on many virtualization sites for years now, and Veeam is currently running a BuySellAds-purchased advertisement along the top of TinkerTry as well. All TinkerTry advertisement goes through third party BuySellAds.
None of my articles are sponsored posts, and note that there are currently no affiliate links for Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE, or any of their other products., LLC is not a Veeam Pro Partner, but I am a member who receives no goods or services. There are no commissions for any Veeam products folks buy after reading one of my articles. I reserve and exercise the right to freely write about topics that I choose, whenever I choose to, an essential part of what makes blogging about home virtualization labs, storage, and backup so much fun for me. Disclaimer Emphasis is on home test labs, not production environments. No free technical support is implied or promised, and all best-effort advice volunteered by the author or commenters are on a use-at-your-own risk basis. Properly caring for your data is your responsibility.
TinkerTry bears no responsibility for data loss. It is up to you to follow all local laws and software EULAs. Privacy Policy Please review the TinkerTry.
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© 2011-2018, LLC all rights reserved. Disclosure, LLC is an independent site, has no sponsored posts, and all ads are run through 3rd party BuySellAds. All editorial content is controlled by the author, not the advertisers or affiliates. All equipment and software is purchased for long-term productive use, with any rare exceptions clearly noted. Affiliate Link Disclosure, LLC is a participant in the, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for TinkerTry to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. These revenues help show your support by helping fund the production of quality content, at no cost to you.
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FREE NFR Key for NEW Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Veeam® is happy to provide a FREE NFR server license to students, certified engineers, trainers and bloggers. This license allows for non-production use of Veeam Availabilty Suite™ 9.5 in your home lab, without any feature limitations for one year, 2 sockets. The license works for both VMware and Hyper‑V environments. Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 is a combination of Veeam Backup & Replication™ and Veeam ONE™, and is your key to achieving Availability for the Always‑On Enterprise™. By using Veeam Availability Suite 9.5, you'll get:. High-Speed Recovery. Data Loss Avoidance.
Verified Recoverability. Leveraged Data. Complete Visibility Fill in the form and get your FREE NFR key NOW!.Only for vExpert, VCP, VCAP, VCI, VCDX, VMUG Leader, VTEC, VMCE, Microsoft MVP, MCSE, MCSA, MCT, Cisco Champion and other certified professionals. Students without an academic email address will need to to request a NFR license.This NFR key program does not include a Veeam Cloud Connect account.
Veeam Cloud Connect accounts are provided from Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) partners.