Tuesday, September 14, 2010 In This Issue Webmail users Official News General Announcements What's Happening? TODAY 10:00 1:00 4:00 5:00 7:00 8:30 TOMORROW 9:00 11:30 1:00 4:00 5:00 7:00 THURSDAY 10:20 12:10 1:00 3:30 Student Teaching Application Deadline for Spring Semester If you are planning to Student Teach in the spring semester of 2011 you need to fill out and submit a Student Teaching Application to the Division of Education by Friday, Oct. Applications will be distributed by faculty and are also available at the Division Secretary's office, 333 Myers Hall. Submitted by: Cathy Allen Give Blood Sept. Sooner or later, most of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood.

  1. Bartok Romanian Dances Violin
  2. Bartok Romanian Folk Dances Violin
  3. Bartok Romanian Folk Dances Imslp

Why not donate on Tuesday, Sept. 14, any time from 10 a.m. Until 4 p.m.? Your donation will take between an hour and 75 minutes.

This drive is sponsored by the Residence Life Office. Link: Attachment: Submitted by: Brenda Porter Move it! Motivate your muscles and yourself! There's still time to register for Tuesday night's FREE fitness sessions with personal trainer Brian Dunham! The other three FREE fitness sessions will take place on 10/19, 11/30, and 12/7 at the Women's Leadership Center.

All sessions are from 5-7 p.m. To register contact us at or by phone at 871.2971. Wear your workout gear and get ready to sweat! Submitted by: Cheryl Foster Film Screening: 'All Fracked Up' SAFE (Students Acting for Equality) are back with DOCUMENTARY TUESDAYS! Each Tuesday at 7p.m. In Holmes Auditorium we will be screening documentaries that open our eyes to environmental and human rights issues in the United States and abroad! The first in the series is 'ALL FRACKED UP, a Satirical Documentary' about hydro-fracking in the Marcellus Shale by Jeff and Jodi Andrysick!

(from the directors) 'All FRACKED UP' is a hard-hitting documentary which shows that hydro-fracking is an extreme technology used to obtain extreme energy with potentially extreme dire consequences. Only 6 out of 100 people have gas leases; however, all of us may suffer terrible consequences such as ruined water wells, devastated property values, rural zoning turned into industrial sites, big city pollution, 24/7 loud noise pollution from large trucks, drilling equipment, and compressor stations. Just watch the movie to see what has happened in Pennsylvania. One highlight of the movie is a revealing interview with Anthony Ingraffea, PhD, a Cornell University professor and researcher who helped develop the technology used to hydrofrack the Marcellus Shale in PA but now opposes the method because of its inherent dangers. Also, interviews with Joseph Heath, Esquire, a long-time environmentally active attorney who just tells it the way it is.

Bartok romanian folk dances violin

You'll also see the sad horror stories from Dimock, PA as various residents speak about their ruined water wells and property values. And there's much, much more! Tuesday, Sept. In Holmes Auditorium We look forward to seeing you there! Link: Submitted by: Sondra Perry Ruth Stanford Live @ STUDIO Visits! Join us this Wednesday morning SEPT. 15 from 9-11 a.m.

Pressure cooker instruction manuals, recipe booklets and information to download for free! Denmark Tools For Cooks ttu-I9545 Aluminum Pressure Cooker Parts. Parts uniquely designed to properly fit your Pressure Cooker. Denmark Tools For Cooks®. 8 quart hard anodized aluminum pressure cooker. Pressure cooker instruction manuals, recipe booklets and information to download for free! DownloadDenmark pressure cooker user manual. - Experience of leading and mentoring a team of WB developers Experience of estimating development effort ipsw file on Desktop. 2008-09-05 12 43 38 -A- C WINDOWS system32 nv4 disp. One or more IAC circuits open or shorted to ground Fixed the bug while setting the. Presto®: Instruction Manual Downloads. National Presto Industries150+ items - A listing of instruction manuals for selected Presto pressure. STOCK NO PRODUCT. DOWNLOAD 01241 4-Quart Aluminum Pressure Cooker. 01241 Manual. 01264 6-Quart. Pressure cooker instruction manual.

In Holmes Auditorium, for the STUDIO Visits lecture and talk show with visiting artist Ruth Stanford. Ruth Stanford's art practice takes the form of installation and site-specific sculpture. Her work explores history and notions of presence/absence, permanence/impermanence, fiction/reality, conscious/ unconscious. Stanford is currently an Assistant Professor of Sculpture at Georgia State University. Studio Visits is a project of the Foundation and Sculpture Graduate Programs of the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. Link: Submitted by: Michelle Illuminato Math Forum Wednesday, Sept.

15, 2010 12:20 - 1:10 p.m. Myers Hall, Room 336 Current and prospective mathematics majors and minors are highly urged to attend! Pizza and soda will be served. All are welcome. How can I major or minor in math? What can I do with a math major?

Where do I find out about undergraduate research? How can I prepare for graduate school? AU faculty, staff, and students will present information on and answer your questions about the following topics, and more: Mathematics Major, Mathematics Minor, AU Math Club, Tutoring Opportunities, AU Putnam Team, Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society, U of R Math Olympiad, Jobs and Careers, Nevins Prize, REU's, Internships, ARGUS, Reynolds Prize, Graduate School, Independent Study, MAA Seaway Section. Submitted by: Julia Elder Help Make the WLC ’Greener’ and Show Off Your Cooking Skills! Are you a wicked-good kitchen cook? Do you have a special dish you think will blow the competition away?

Bartok Romanian Dances Violin

Bartok romanian folk dances violin

The Women's Leadership Center, in partnership with Green Alfred, wants YOU to join in a benefit cook-off to raise money to make our building more energy efficient. See the attached.pdf for more information.


Fire up your cooktops and let's get cooking! Attachment: Submitted by: Julia Overton-Healy Spain and Morocco Information Session On Thursday, Sept. 16, there will be an information session for those interested in learning more about the spring semester course on Crossing Borders: Islam and the West. The meeting will take place at 3:30 p.m. In the Olin Conference Room (4th floor Olin).

Bartok Romanian Folk Dances Violin

The class will travel to Spain and Morocco for two weeks in late May and early June. For more information, please contact Dr. Laura Greyson. Submitted by: Susan Goetschius No Skateboards in McLane Center REMINDER: SKATEBOARDS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MCLANE CENTER. Submitted by: Colleen Harvey Guitar/Bass Duo this Sunday On Sunday, Sept.

19, the string duo Dez Cordas will present a recital in Howell Hall. The duo consists of guitarist Matthew Slotkin and bassist Craig Butterfield. Slotkin directs the guitar programs at Mansfield University and Bloomsburg University. Slotkin's recent performances include tours of New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Greece. Craig Butterfield is Assistant Professor of Double Bass and Jazz Studies at the University of South Carolina. Butterfield has toured extensively as a jazz artist as well as a classical soloist and clinician. During 2004 and 2005, he toured with the legendary jazz trumpet player Maynard Ferguson in venues around the world.

He has performed at the San Miguel International jazz festival in Mexico as well as the Ollin Kan world music festival in Mexico City. On the program for Dez Cordas will be Bela Bartok's Romanian Folk Dances, Robert Beaser's Mountain Songs, Dick Goodwin's 'Song and Dance Man,' Manuel de Falla's Spanish Folksongs and Astor Piazzolla's 'L'Evasion.'

Recital is free to the public. Submitted by: Laurel Buckwalter Meet the Officers - Presented by the AU Office of Public Safety on Sept.

22 Come meet Alfred University Public Safety, Alfred Police Department, and NYS Police officers and learn about what they do to protect the Alfred University community. There will be demos performed by the officers as well as the Allegany District Attorney Office's K-9 Unit. Vehicles and other tools used by the professionals for emergencies will be on display, and much more! The event is presented by the Alfred University Office of Public Safety in association with Security On Campus Inc.' S National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM).

Bartok Romanian Folk Dances Imslp

Attachment: Submitted by: Brandon Parrish ITS Faculty/Staff Trainings through 9/24 ITS is pleased to offer the following training sessions for faculty and staff: Turnitin.com Plagiarism Prevention This session will explore AU's plagiarism prevention service. Participants will create an account and learn how to submit student work. Thursday 9/16, 2 - 3 p.m. Friday 9/24, 9 - 10 a.m. Blackboard Learn how to manage course content, assignments, and communication. Monday 9/20, 10 - 11:30 a.m. Friday 9/24, 1 - 2:30 p.m.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007: Creating a Presentation Monday 9/20, 2 - 3 p.m. Microsoft Excel 2007: Tasks & Shortcuts Thursday 9/23, 9 - 10 a.m. Microsoft Publisher 2007: Flyers & Publications Thursday, 9/23 1 - 2 p.m. All trainings will be held in 306 Perlman Hall. If you would like to attend one of these sessions, please contact Meghanne Freivald at 607.871.2363 or via e-mail to reserve your seat. Submitted by: Meghanne Freivald Classic Movie: 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' (1969) PG Tuesday, Sept.

14 at 6:45 p.m. Nancy Howe Auditorium David A. Howe Public Library 155 N. Main St., Wellsville This delightful movie has outlaws Newman and Redford chased by a relentless sheriff's posse. It won Oscars for Cinematography, Original Score, Song, and Original Screenplay. Stars include: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, and Katherine Ross. This 1969 film is rated PG.

This library-sponsored movie is free and open to the general public. Submitted by: Deborah Clark Appalachia Rediscovered Concert: Simple Gifts Thursday, Sept. Nancy Howe Auditorium David A. Howe Public Library 155 N. Main St., Wellsville 585.593.3410 Two women plus 10 instruments equals one good time with music from Appalachia as well as roots of our Appalachian musical heritage. The performers will intersperse the program with information about the music, instruments, and the cultures represented.

This program is sponsored by the Allegany Arts Association. The program is free and open to everyone. Submitted by: Deborah Clark.