ESaaS in the news. Software Development Times: ', August 2015. gave samples of some chapters to its “book club”.
by Klaus Schauser, Founder & Chief Strategist of AppFolio, creator of Citrix GoToMeeting and GoToMyPC. Video of National Academy of Engineering on March 5, 2013 at Stanford University, with David Patterson. Armando Fox on the PBS NewsHour 1/8/13: Questions about the book itself. The answers most questions about the book logistics. See the of the most recent edition. Free Sample from (view in any browser).
on the Alpha and Beta Editions. Academic author colleagues: we have written about. Articles about the development and use of the book, MOOC, & courses. by Armando Fox & David Patterson ( Communications of the ACM, May 2012) explains how & why we created the course. Includes very informal discussing the tools used in the MOOC & SPOC, including autograders.
Armando Fox, David Patterson, Sam Joseph (Hawaii Pacific Univ.), Kristen Walcott-Justice (U. Colorado at Colorado Springs), Richard Ilson (UNC Charlotte), Rose Williams (Binghamton U.) UC Berkeley Technical Report EECS-2014-17. Longer version, which includes commentary about the role of e-books by Armando Fox and David Patterson, and including the experiences of instructors at four other universities using this course as a SPOC. by Armando Fox. Communications of the ACM 56(12), Viewpoint column.
Explains how the SPOC model overcomes some of the problems with MOOCs and presents new opportunities for classroom instructors., an extended version of the SPOC argument that is slated to appear an upcoming on MOOCs. ESaaS and the ACM/IEEE-CS 2013 Curriculum Guidelines. (IEEE Software, Sept./Oct. 2013) Investigates whether proposed new ACM/IEEE curriculum standard allows instructors to use Agile or not. Copyright 2013 IEEE. This non-final version appears here with permission.
This shows how our course, which uses the ESaaS textbook and the CS 169.1x SPOC, fulfills the curriculum guidelines. Professional presentations and tutorials for instructors. Coming soon:, Santander, Spain. meeting. at ICSE 2014 in Hyderabad, India. given at various universities in Fall 2013/Winter 2014 about our experience with ESaaS, MOOCs, and s.
at 26th Conference on Software Engineering Education & Training (CSEET 2013). by David Patterson on MOOCs Sept 2012.