View, download, save and print a variety of free family tree charts and forms. These include printable family tree charts, fan charts, and pedigree charts. Some of the free family tree charts are even interactive - meaning that you can type in the fields online before saving locally to your computer or printing for family members. The interactive printable family tree forms require only the to open and use. This free family tree chart is great for anyone who hates having to fill in charts by hand. Just type in the blanks from your computer, and then save or print for personal use. An Interactive Family Tree You Can Complete in Your Browser Free Family Tree Template - Interactive!
© 2002-2013 Kimberly Powell. Licensed to This free printable family tree records the ancestors from whom you directly descend in a traditional family tree format, suitable for sharing or even framing. A muted tree in the background and embellished boxes give it a bit of an old-fashioned feel, while the latest technology allows you to type in names and dates right from your computer. The chart makes it easy to track the progress you have made on your family tree and see at a glance what remains to be done. Since it can be completed right online it is also very handy for sharing your family tree with friends and relatives via email.
This free family tree chart includes room for 4 generations in the familiar standard format. Each box includes enough room for the name, date, and birth place, but the format is free, so you can choose the info you want to include.
Males are commonly entered on the lefthand side of each branch, and females on the right. The chart prints at 8.5' x 11'. You must have Acrobat Reader (5.5 or later) installed on your computer to view and use this form. If you do not already have Acrobat Reader installed, or have difficulty opening or using this chart, you can for free.
Interactive Ancestor Chart You Can Fill in on Your Computer Free Pedigree Chart can be Completed on Your Computer. © 2002-2013 Kimberly Powell. This free pedigree chart records the ancestors from whom you directly descend—with additional room for one generation of descendants.
A pedigree chart makes it easy to track the progress you have made on your family tree and see at a glance what remains to be done. The information can be typed in right from your computer browser, making this free genealogy pedigree chart very handy for sharing your family tree with friends and relatives.
Once the information has been typed in, the form can be saved locally to your computer, emailed to family and friends, or printed out. This free genealogy chart is a traditional pedigree chart with room for up to 5 generations in the familiar standard format. There are also fields that allow you to link from one chart to another. Prints at 8.5' x 11'.
Note: This form may be copied and/or used for personal use only. This chart is protected by copyright and may not be posted elsewhere online (although links to this page are appreciated), or used for anything other than personal use without permission.