OVERVIEW Navigraph Manager is an application, created by based in Sweden, that allows you to easily manage your flight simulation FMS data in multiple formats with one simple user interface. Navigraph is a supplier of navigational charts/FMS data to the global flight sim community. This article is based on Navigraph FMS Data Manager version for Windows. THE AIRAC CYCLE The source of aeronautical navigation data in each country is typically that country’s government.
These entities create Aeronautical Information Publications ( AIP). AIP are defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO) as: “A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.” AIPs usually include current aviation regulations, procedures, and charts containing airport, runway, airspace, Instrument Approach Procedures ( IAP), Standard Terminal Arrival Routes ( STAR), and Standard Instrument Departures ( SID) information. Every 28 to 56 days, they are updated and released again. These updates are known as Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control ( AIRAC) cycles.
NOTE: The AIPs cannot realistically offer real time updates and this is where Notice to Airmen ( NOTAM) apply. Real pilots always consult the relevant NOTAMs before each flight, and sim pilots should use their own discretion. Temporary Flight Restrictions ( TFR) are also routinely checked and adhered to by real pilots, but they do not typically exist in FSX/Prepar3D and are usually ignored. There are thirteen AIRAC cycles each calendar year and they are referred to by the last two digits of the year and the cycle number. So, for example, the fourth cycle of 2015 would be designated as 1504. As of this writing (late November 2015), the current AIRAC cycle is 1512.
Navigraph offers this AIRAC data in two formats: Chart and FMS. Both formats contain airport, runway, Instrument Approach Procedures ( IAP), Standard Terminal Arrival Routes ( STAR), and Standard Instrument Departures ( SID) information. CHARTS DATA The chart data provided by Navigraph is supplied by Lido/Lufthansa. It is available via a desktop application, the website, or the Navigraph Charts. Navigraph Manager does not manage any charts. I just wanted to mention it and you can find more information in my separate article. FMS DATA The FMS data provided by Navigraph is supplied by Jeppesen.
Jeppesen is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company and is based in the United States. They are a renown provider of aviation navigation data around the world. The Jeppesen data is then formatted by Navigraph for your respective FMS/add-on type. Being able to match all my navigation databases is why I use this Navigraph Manager application.